Make a one-off Donation
You can make a donation via our page at Wonderful.org, by cheque, bank transfer or QR code. Please don't forget to let us know whether you are eligible for gift aid which will increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you.
Please make your one-off donation in any of the following ways

Please send your cheque payable to the Willow Trust to:
11a Whiteway Court

Please make your payment to the Willow Trust's account with CAF Bank:
A/c Name: The Willow Trust
Sort Code: 40-52-40
A/c No: 00002721

Open the camera on your phone to scan the QR code & follow the on-screen instructions. Please note the donation will be anonymous so please let us know about it if you would like Us to acknowledge receipt.
If you are a UK Taxpayer you can make your donation to the Willow Trust with Gift Aid. This allows the Willow Trust to increase your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you. For every £1 you give, the Willow Trust gets an extra 25p from HMRC, provided you have paid sufficient UK Tax in any one year. Please complete our Gift Aid form below and click submit to send it over to us. If you prefer a download and print a paper version, please click here.
Gift Aid Declaration
Please complete the form to confirm you would like to Gift Aid all your future donations or any donations made in the past 4 years.